Title – When They Cry: Kai | Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kai
Genre – Mystery, Psychological, Supernatural, Thriller
Theme – Conspiracy, Death, Goddesses, Harem, Revenge, Time Travel, Tragedy
Myanimelist – 8.27
Duration – 24 min per ep.
Plot – In the small village of Hinamizawa, Rika Furude and her friends live together in relative harmony. Beneath this mask of peace, however, lies a hidden darkness, one that Rika understands all too well. In this eternal summer, she has been witness to unspeakable horrors. Every time the clock resets, Rika must try to find the villain behind these senseless deaths before tragedy strikes again. However, trying to decipher a mystery when only half the clues are present proves time and again to be disastrous, and each time she believes that things will change, she inevitably fails. As the annual festival approaches, Rika begins her descent from hope to despair in her struggle to break the chains of fate entangling them all.
Hindi Subbed Episodes》
Sub By – PAiN
Thanx To – PAiN
Enc. By – SNK
Season 1 Also Available: Click To Download S1
thanks for suggest karne ke liye
Where is more Seasons….???? Please Subbed them