Title – Crayon Shin-chan Movie 26: Bakumori! Kung Fu Boys – Ramen Tairan [Movie]
Genre – Comedy, Seinen
Total eps. – 1
Myanimelist – 6.84
Duration – 1hr 45 min per ep.
Plot – Shin-chan is all set to challenge Kung Fu in the Chinatown of Kasukabe city, known as “Aiya Town.” Shinnosuke and Kasukabe Defence Group are going to put up a totally no-stunt Kung Fu challenge on the stage.
Hindi Subbed Episodes》
Sub by – Killer
Enc. By – Black Goku
Note: For Mirror Links,
To Download Use, Zippyshare, Solidfiles, Google Drive, Yandex, etc.
To Play Online Use, Google Drive, Yandex, Zippyshare
Movie HD
Bhai asa kasa download karo
Bro thanks for this Movie pls upload more 😉🙂
Hey, Ravi how did you download this movie i want to know because i can’t downoad it
Plz….subbed 🙏🙏🙏❤️
“Shinchan movie : the legend, dance amigo”
Bhai mujhe bhi vo movie dekhni ha shinchan the legend called dance amigo ka link de do koi