Project Scard: Praeter no Kizu | Scar on the Praeter Hindi Subbed!!!
Genre – Action, Super Power
Total eps. – 13
Myanimelist – 7.57
Duration – 23 min per ep.
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Hindi Subbed Episodes》
Sub By – Awesh
Thanx To – Son Goku
Enc. By – King Shab
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Project Scard: Praeter no Kizu Summery
Project Scard depicts the encounters and battles of those who have tattoos which possess the sealed powers of divine beasts and gods. The story is set in the Akatsuki Special Zone, a lawless zone in Tokyo.
“Helios” are those who use the ability of the tattoos to protect the city, “Artemis” are committed to maintain security and control, whilst having a strong commercial motive, and the “Public Security Special Service” are Scard Staff of the metropolitan police department. They live through the turbulent days to keep on going.
The story is pretty generic, the tattoo system, while being done before, is pretty interestingly used in this show. The naming of the tattoos are a pretty generic system, but it is used effectively.